Fix that pesky sliding closet door track once and for all!


These sliding wardrobe closet doors needed repair because they kept coming off the track, and the only way to get them back on was to put the track wheel next to the track and bang them back in.

They looked like this, with a decorative face plate across the top.


sliding closet doors



This problem is a result of the fact that when the builders did the door installation on these doors, they set the decorative faceplate over the top of the doors under the molding so you can't take it off to fix the problem! The door hardware is such that the wheels must be angled in to the track and then allowed to hang back down. The permanent faceplate doesn't allow you to do this. So when the closet doors have come off the track and you bang the wheel back in you bend the track up and make the problem worse. The way to fix these types of sliding doors is to replace the track and make the faceplate removable as I have done, shown in the following pictures:



The old track (notice the dents):

old sliding closet door hardware



A new track:

new sliding closet door hardware



After the faceplate is removed, new wood is inserted to make the door jamb intact:

door jamb repair of interior sliding door



The new track is installed and the molding put back on:

door jamb repair of interior sliding door



The new faceplate is installed by being screwed into blocks installed underneath it:

faceplate repair

faceplate repair



Save some time and energy for your home repair by getting your hardware supplies online at Amazon!


Buy a replacement track (a more up to date verion than the one shown) here within 24 hours and help support this site. If you aren't going to buy right now, please put in your cart so I get credit for the sale, Thank You! Dave. The track shown below is the same type, you will just have to move the wheel hardware to the other side of one door.







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